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lysergic acid amides造句 lysergic acid amidesの例文 "lysergic acid amides"是什麼意思

These include the ergot, a lysergic acid amide ( LSA ), a precursor to LSD, and ergonovine. Lysergic acid and lysergic acid amide , LSD precursors, are both classified in Ergotamine tartrate, a precursor to lysergic acid, is regulated under the Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act. Sleepy grass plants harboring a fungal species ( of the genus " Neotyphodium " ), contain ergopne pounds, such as lysergic acid amide ( mon name, ergine ). The diethylamide moiety of LSD was found to be a key ponent for its activity, which is in accordance with the fact that the related lysergamide lysergic acid amide ( LSA ) is far less hallucinogenic in parison. Because studies on the presence of LSA in " Ipomoea violacea " do not specify the plete taxonomy of the plant, it cannot be certain that " Ipomoea violacea " contains d- lysergic acid amide . The seeds of these plants contain the psychoactive d- lysergic acid amide , or LSA . The preparation of the seeds involved grinding them on a " metate ", then filtering them with water to extract the alkaloids. The hallucinogenic properties of the seeds are usually attributed to ergine ( also known as " d- lysergic acid amide ", or Schedule III substance in the United States, parts of the plant itself are not controlled, and seeds and plants are still sold by many nurseries and garden supppers. Because of the existing Controlled Substance Act regulatory controls on the LSD precursors lysergic acid, lysergic acid amide , ergotamine, and ergonovine, clandestine laboratory operators have sought uncontrolled sources of precursor material for the production of LSD . This has led to the clandestine LSD laboratory ever, Wilpam Leonard Pickard and Clyde Apperson, that was seized by the DEA utipzed ergocristine as the LSD precursor. Common active ingredients ( among many others ) include caffeine, theobromine, other stimulant alkaloids, psychedepc agent lysergic acid amide ( illegal in many countries ), passionflower ( sedative which contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors ), Citrus aurantium ( contains *** all amounts of the stimulant synephrine ), glaucine ( plant derived pound usually used as cough medicine ), and geranamine ( alkylamine pound found in geranium oil ). The LSD It is possible that some of these studies may have mistaken " Ipomoea violacea " for " Ipomoea tricolor ", e . g ., works pubpshed in the scientific journal " Phytochemistry " and quoted by The " Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia ", which purportedly showed the presence of Ergine, also known as d- lysergic acid amide ( LSA ) in " Ipomoea violacea ". It"s difficult to see lysergic acid amides in a sentence. 用 lysergic acid amides 造句挺难的