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thank you very much是什么意思?

thank you very much是什么意思:非常感谢。

The Calling的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You歌手:The Calling专辑:Camino PalmeroThe Calling - Thank YouLook around, the writing"s on the wallDon"t you think we"re all feeling crazedIn a world, where nothing"s as it seemsPaved with broken dreams, I found truthWell my god, I should know you"re rightI should know it"s right to sayI think you for my daysCome around and see the other sideStepping stones, away from the limelightCome around and breathe in peace of mindAnd for it all, I thank you. I thank you.Sit down, lose yourself in thoughtThen you might find out it"s all we"ve gotWell take a chance, the future"s in your handsMake it what you canBefore your time has reached the endCome around and see the other sideStepping stones, away from the limelightCome around, and breathe in peace of mindAnd for it all.. You You"ll make it - on your ownYeah, You"re free...Stepping stones away from the limelightCome around and breathe in peace of mindAnd for it all I thank you, I thank youI thank you, I thank youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7912841

谢谢你的帮助,可以用Thank you Help me吗?

Thank you for your help.

谁能告诉我 pride and prejudice 的 background thank you


作文 The person Ithank most 200词 谢谢

The person I most admire and respect whether in the past, at present or for the rest of my life in this entire world is my father. He did not just give me my life and brought me into this world but also educated me well so that he was making sure I shall live my life and enjoy my life to the full. He taught me all I need to know in order to be a better person. He taught me about respect, forgiveness and tolerance. Only if I know how to respect others then I shall gain respect from the others in return. Only if know how to forgive other"s mistakes and I shall be be forgiven for my own mistakes. Only if I have a good tolerance then I shall earn myself more appreciations. Through his guidance, I managed to make myself to fully understand and appreciate life. When I was young. I was a problem child, very disobedient. My mother gave me all the love but she had no ideas how to make me behave normally. It was my father who discovered that I needed guidance. So he devoted a lot of his time of educating me, even though he was a very busy man. Without his tireless efforts, I am not sure that I would have turned out like this today. So I would like to thank him for what he had done for me. "Thank you very much Dad, I wouldn"t have made it without your encouragement and advice. I love you!"

求 加藤ミリヤ 的 Dreaming under the moon 歌词+平假名!!!Thanks!

加藤ミリヤ的最新歌曲Dreaming under the moon是专辑Lonely Girl(日本版)中收录的歌曲,本站提供加藤ミリヤDreaming under the moon wma格试的MP3试听

英语special thanks怎么翻译?




thanks for heads up什么意思


thank you for your heads up. 是什么意思啊


thank you sweetie中文什么意思

thank you sweetie谢谢你,亲爱的 谢谢你,甜心双语例句1Thank you, sweetie, he told Michelle when she congratulated him. 在米歇尔祝贺他时,他对米歇尔说:谢谢你,亲爱的。2What about you, brittany?-no, thank you, sweetie. I"m fine 你怎么样,布莱尼?-不,谢谢你,甜心,我没事

never mind是什么的应答句 Thank you还是Sorry?

比如说,A:I‘m so sorry B:Never mind

Thank you!!!!!!!!! 高手请进,(英语) 求详解


happy new year 的回答语是什么 是Thank you.还是The same to you.

在我们大家共同度过的节日象新年,圣诞节等,别人祝福你,我们要用The same to you给以回答. 但在象你的生日的节日里我们则要回答Thank you.

Thanks.Any question,please feel free to contact me.中文意思是什么?

谢谢!有任何问题,请随时联系我。feel free的意思是“觉得自由”,其实就是“任何时候都可以很自由地怎样怎样”的意思,英语里的客气话。

friends ! increasingly 后面加形容词原级还是比较级 thanks!


hello thank you are you ok是什么歌


thanks for your supporting

有,supporting改为support,support本身就是名词,就不需要用supporting这个动名词了. 祝楼主更上一层楼

1.Thank you for your support 用加ing么

supportvt.支持; 帮助; 支撑; 维持; n.支撑; 支持者; [数学]支集; 支撑物; 有名词形式也有动词形式。名词例句如:Loyalty and support became the bywords of the day.忠诚和支持成了那个时代人们时常挂在嘴边的词儿。动词例句如:This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty.这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定。supporting adj. 支持的,支撑的用ing后变成了形容词,反而不是错误的用法了。如:They say he"s certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.他们说他肯定能获得最佳男配角奖的提名。

lord tachanka是什么梗

lord tach anka 主环安卡重点词汇释义anka恩卡

可以翻译一下这段英语么Thank you for ordering with AmiAmi !!

大概就是说 请耐心等待 有货的话会尽快email你 他们可能会联系不同的分销商 最多可能需要2周才能给你回复如果各分销商都没货了的话 请你理解他们无法向你提供商品 如发生的话 请接受他们的道歉

怎么回复 thanks for the reminder

You are welcome; No worries。当别人对你表示感谢地时候,你需要回复别人“不客气”。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。

多谢提醒 thanks for your reminding 对吗

Thanks for your reminder

Hack.Ckill.a是什么病毒啊,怎么杀不了呢?求助,THANK YOU!


帮忙起个英文名,THANK YOU! 是女生用的,好听的,比较活泼的,最好有A J K

Aviva(希伯来)同Avivahc和Avivi。有"美好的春天"的意思。Abby/Abbie 是Abigale的简写。人们认为Abby是娇小可爱的女人、文静、令人喜爱、个性甜美。 Anita是ANN的西班牙写法。人们认为Anita这个名字非常适合娇小、美丽、性格讨喜的中层阶级女性、伶俐、讨人喜欢、而且充满乐趣。 Jamie (法语)"我爱";JAMES的女性型式。JAMIE是个受欢迎的中性名字。名为JAMIE的女孩通常是可爱、性顽皮。Jessie为JASMINE,JESSICA的简写;JANET的苏格兰形式。JESSIE是个中性名字令人想起可爱运动型的女孩,男孩子气,爱玩,善良,且聪明。 Jenny/Jennie 是JANE,JENNIFER的简写,JENNY被形容是施魔法的女人;迷人的女人。 Jennifer(威尔斯)"纯洁","美好"同Guinevere。近来Jennifer已变成一个受欢迎的名字。(有些人则认为太受欢迎了)人们认为JENNIFER这个名字非常适合可爱的金发啦啦队长,受大家欢迎,并受人喜爱。  Jacqueline (希伯来文)意为"追随者"。感谢第一夫人,JACQUELINE给人的印象是黝黑、苗条、美丽神秘-富有、优雅善于社交的女子、迷人的魅力无法挡。 Kathy,KATHIE为KATHERINE,KATHERLEEN的简写(同CATHY)。KATHY被看做黑发的小女人、文静、温和又善良。

帮忙起个英文名,THANK YOU! 是女生用的,好听的,比较活泼的,最好有A J K


我的英文名Michelle怎么读啊?给个音标、Thank you

[mi:"u0283el ] 米晒凹 Mi shai ao

oh my god, give me buff, thank you翻译中中文是什么意思?


求一首只有一句 高潮部分是大喊一声 thanks oh my god 应该是thanks不确定 然后大概是电音吧 很有节奏感




wellcome to Beijing 这句话的最佳答案应该选you are wellcome 还是thank you?

thank you

翻译:该死的日子,我还以为我已经忘了那些事。 该死,我希望你们能用mother fucking 。 THANK A LOT。

题出的够有劲,好中式翻译法。mother fucking 呵呵 赞一个。

Thankfully,there are solutions写英语标题时对吗?

一般作为一个标题的话,很少使用完整的句子,一般都是短语或者是非谓语形式。Thanks to the solutions

thanks thanks thanks thanks monica是什么意思


求《volume up》歌词的日语发音,thanks

あの日(ひ)君(きみ)は目(め)も向(む)けずにa no hi ki mi wa me mo mu ke zu niNo" uh uh uh uh no" uh uh uh uh兴味(きょうみ)ないと话(はな)してたね eh eh eh eh Whykyo mi na i to ha na si te ta ne eh eh eh eh why私(わたし)の声(こえ)に微笑(ほほえ)んでキスをくれた君(きみ)はwa ta si no ko e ni ho ho en de ki su wo ku re ta ki mi waもう声(こえ)さえ闻(き)きたくないと背(せ)を向(む)けるのmou ko e ki ki ta ku na i to se wo mu ke ru noこれ以上(いじょう) 苦(くる)しめないでko re i jyo- ku ru si me na i deどうして 私(わたし)を舍(す)てdo- si te wa ta si wo su teこの声(こえ)をもっと高(たか)く高(たか)くko no ko e wo mo to ta ka ku ta ka ku音(おと)を止(と)めないで Everybody time to rocko to wo to me na i de Everybody time to rockすべて Pump up the volume Up upsu be te Pump up the volume Up up消(け)してよ Pump up the volume Up upke si te yo Pump up the volume Up up思(おも)い出(だ)す度(たび)、まだ ah 泣(な)いて eh eh eh oho mo i da su ta bi ma da ah naide eh eh eh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uhma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uhありのままの私(わたし)さえもa no ma ma no wa ta si se moNo" uh uh uh uh no" uh uh uh uh兴味(きょうみ)のない冷(つ)めた君(きみ)ね eh eh eh eh Whykyo- mi no na i tu me ta ki mi ne eh eh eh eh Why君(きみ)の视线(しせん)が苦(くる)しくて张(は)り裂(さ)けそうになるki mi no si en ga ku ru si ku te ha ri sa ke so- ni na ruねぇ心(こころ)に伤(きず)を残(のこ)し消(き)えて行(い)かないでne ko ko ro ni ki zu wo no ko si ki e te i ka na i deこれ以上(いじょう) 苦(くる)しめないでko re i jyo- ku ru si me na i deどうして 私(わたし)を舍(す)てdo- si te wa ta si wo su teこの声(こえ)をもっと高(たか)く高(たか)くko no ko e wo mo to ta ka ku ta ka ku音(おと)を止(と)めないで Everybody time to rocko to wo to me na i de Everybody time to rockすべて Pump up the volume Up upsu be te Pump up the volume Up up消(け)してよ Pump up the volume Up upke si te yo Pump up the volume Up up思(おも)い出(だ)す度(たび)、まだ ah 泣(な)いて eh eh eh oho mo i da su ta bi ma da ah naide eh eh eh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uhma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohねぇ君(きみ)はne ki mi wa 私(わたし)を知(し)らないwa ta si wo si ra na i何(なに)も知(し)らずに私(わたし)を置(お)いてna ni mo si ra zu ni wa ta si wo o i teLie lie lie lie Lie lie lie lie Lie lie lie lieすべて Pump up the volume Up upsu be te Pump up the volume Up up消(け)してよ Pump up the volume Up upke si te yo Pump up the volume Up up思(おも)い出(だ)す度(たび)、まだ ah 泣(な)いて eh eh eh oho mo i da su ta bi ma da ah naide eh eh eh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh ohまだUh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uhma da Uh uh uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh uh oh

谢谢你的认同用英语怎么说 可以说thank you for your recognition吗

可以.对的. 不过,有个习惯是如果句子后面已经出现了有关人称的代词来表示谢谢的对象, 前面习惯用thanks.. 即:thanks for your recognition.

铃儿响叮当 , 比如说jingle bells,是金钩(拜儿),全文英语,Thank


Thank God I M A Country Boy 歌词

歌曲名:Thank God I M A Country Boy歌手:Craig Duncan专辑:Country Mountain Tributes: John DenverThank god I"m a country boy ---by John DenverWell, life on the farm is kinda laid backAin"t much an old country boy like me can"t hackIt"s early to rise, early in the sackThank God, I"m A Country BoyWell a simple kinda life never did me no harmA raisin" me a family and workin" on a farmMy days are all filled with an easy country charmThank God I"m a country boyWell, I got me a fine wife, I got me old fiddleWhen the sun"s comin" up I got cakes on the griddleLife ain"t nothin" but a funny, funny riddleThank God I"m A country boyWhen the work"s all done and the sun"s settin" lowI pull out my fiddle and I rosin" up the bowThe kids are asleep so I keep it kinda lowThank God I"m a country boyI"d play "Sally Goodin"" all day if I couldBut the Lord and my wife wouldn"t take it very goodSo I fiddle when I can, work when I shouldThank God, I"m a country boyWell, I got me a fine wife, I got me old fiddleWhen the sun"s comin" up I got cakes on the griddleLife ain"t nothin" but a funny, funny riddleThank God I"m A country boyWell I wouldn"t trade my life for diamonds or jewelsI never was one of them money hungry foolsI"d rather have my fiddle and my farmin" toolsThank God I"m a country boyYeah, city folk drivin" in a black limousineA lotta sad people thinkin" that"s a mighty keenSon, let me tell ya now exactly what I meanI thank God I"m a country boyWell, I got me a fine wife, I got me old fiddleWhen the sun"s comin" up I got cakes on the griddleLife ain"t nothin" but a funny, funny riddleThank God I"m a country boyWell, my fiddle was my daddy"s til the day he diedAnd he took me by the hand and held me close to his sideHe said..."Live a good life and play my fiddle with prideAnd thank God you"re a country boy"My daddy taught me young how to hunt and how to whittleHe taught me how to work and play a tune on the fiddleTaught me how to love and how to give just a littleThank God I"m a country boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2849520

hey buddy, you are on the right page! thanks for

hey buddy, you are on the right page! thanks for your dedication!嘿,伙计,你右边的页面!感谢你的奉献精神!

求英语大牛帮忙分析一下这个长难句~各个句子成分是什么在哪儿?Thank you

这里的are not 是不是一种否定转移呢

thanks for your last message翻译

谢谢你最后的来信,收到你的来信很好.听你说你很有趣,我迫不及待想见到你. 我希望但我到达机场时,你会通过我的照片找到我.我相当高,还有短的金黄头发,我带着眼镜,还有我会穿牛仔裤和T恤为这次旅程.但我也会带我的大衣,.我已经收到你的照片,你看起来很可爱,因此我肯定我们会互相找到.

求翻译 在线等——the thanks we give part1



thank作为及物动词,常用搭配:thanksb(forsth/fordoingsth),thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语。  appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciatedoingsth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语。举例说明1.Wethankedhimandleft.我们对他道谢后就离开了。2.Weappreciateyourkindness.我们感谢你的好意。3.Thankyouforunderstanding.谢谢你能理解。4.Achilddressedinbrownclothescametothankhimforsavinghislife.一个穿着褐色衣服的小孩过来感谢他的救命之恩。5.Iappreciateyourcomment.我欣赏你的意见。6.IappreciatehiseffortsandIwishhimwell.我感谢他的努力。我祝愿他身体健康。7.Wewouldappreciateitifyoucouldofferusanyhelp.如果您能为我们提供帮助的话,我们将不甚感激。


请给我菜单。 May I have a menu, please? 是否有中文菜单? Do you have a menu in Chinese? 在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗? Would you like something to drink before dinner? 餐厅有些什么餐前酒? What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? 可否让我看看酒单? May I see the wine list? 我可以点杯酒吗? May I order a glass of wine? 餐厅有那几类酒? What kind of wine do you have? 我想点当地出产的酒。 I"d like to have some local wine. 我想要喝法国红酒。 I"d like to have French red wine. 是否可建议一些不错的酒? Could you recommend some good wine? 我可以点餐了吗? May I order, please? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么? What is the specialty of the house? 餐厅有今日特餐吗? Do you have today"s special? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗? Can I have the same dish as that? 我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。 I"d like appetizers and meat (fish) dish. 我正在节食中。 I"m on a diet. 我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。 I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/sugar). 餐厅是否有供应素食餐? Do you have vegetarian dishes? 你的牛排要如何烹调? How do you like your steak? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。 Well done (medium/rare), please.

《no love》 中文翻译,只要中文,thank

Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower往我身上扔泥土 然后就长出了一朵野花But its f**k the world, get a child out her操 这个世界 但我是它的孩子Yeah, my life a b**ch, but you know nothing bout her我的人生是个婊 子 但你对她一无所知Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers去过地狱 又回来 我能给你看看证据Im rolling Sweets, Im smoking sour我玩着姑娘 抽着SOURMarried to the game but she broke her vows和这个游戏结婚了 但她却破坏了我们的誓言Thats why my bars are full of broken bottles这就是为什么我的歌词带着刺儿And my night stands are full of open Bibles我的床头桌上放着打开的圣经I think about more than I forget我思索的东西多于我遗忘的But I dont go around fire expecting not to sweat但我不觉得在火边行走还不出汗And these ***** know I lay them down, make their bed这些黑鬼们知道我放躺他们 再送他们一张床Bitches try to kick me while Im down: Ill break your leg当我不顺的时候 婊 子们试着搞我:我要让你爬不起来Money outweighing problems on the triple beam钱和麻烦 一直在平衡着Im sticking to the script, you ***** skipping scenes我认真写我的歌词 你们这些黑鬼却没认真听Be good or be good at it当个好人 或者当个有能力的人F**king right Ive got my gun, semi-Cartermatic操 他 妈的是这样的 我已经把枪握在手里 Yeah, put a di**k in their mouth, so I guess its f**k what they say恩 放个鸡 巴在他们嘴里 我猜这代表“操翻你们的言论”Im high as a bi**h: up, up and away我HIGH的像个婊 子 又高又远Man, I come down in a couple of days兄弟 但我也有几天不顺的日子OK, you want me up in the cage, then Ill come out in beast mode你想把我锁进监狱 我会以野兽模式出来的I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the G-code我发现这个世界结合着安全和匪帮Its Weezy mo**erf**ker, blood gang and Im in bleed mode这是LIL WAYNE 傻 比 一个血性的匪帮All about my dough but I dont even check the peephole这全是为了我的钱 别的都不在乎So you can keep knocking but wont knock me down所以你可以继续犯操 蛋 但不可能让我倒下No love lost, no love found没有爱可以失去了 也没有爱可以找到了[Hook - Eminem Lil Wayne]Its a little too late to say that youre sorry now现在说对不起 真是有点太晚了You kicked me when I was down你曾经落井下石F**k what you say, just (dont hurt me, dont hurt me no more)去你 妈的你说的话 只是(别伤害我 别再伤害我了)Thats right b**h: and I dont need you, dont want to see you就是这样的婊 子 而且我不需要你 再也不想看见你B**h you get (no love)婊 子你得不到爱You show me nothing but hate你向我展示的只有怨恨You ra

thanks boo!什么意思


回答thank you的常用语是什么?

Thank you的答语有:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3、That"s all right. 不用谢。4、No problem. No worries. “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。thank you的意思是:谢谢你。thank you=thanks。是英语中常用的礼貌用语。thankyou英 [θk"j] 美 [θkju] 感激(的),致谢(的)。thank you和thanks意思相同,但用法不完全相同。例句:Here"s how they say thank you.——下面就是他们如何说谢谢。Thank you for your kind hospitality.——谢谢你的亲切款待。thank的用法:1、thank的基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。2、thank作“责怪”解时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语, that有时可以省略。3、thank也可作“责怪”解,表示一种请求,现常作反语,含有埋怨、不耐烦的口气。4、thank是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“to be adj. ”结构或动词不定式充当。

“Thank you”是什么意思?


别人说Thank you时,我该怎么回答?

有很多种方案可选,比如1 .Not at all 别客气2.You are welcome 不客气3.It"s my pleasure 是我的荣幸


问法?是指说什么对方会回thank you吗?一般情况有:here you are(帮别人递东西)you will be right/are you ok?(提出关心)

thank you的回答都有哪几种?

Thank you有可以答语:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3、That"s all right. 不用谢。4、No problem. No worries. “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。thank you的意思是:谢谢你。thank you=thanks。是英语中常用的礼貌用语。thankyou英 [θk"j] 美 [θkju] 感激(的),致谢(的)。thank you和thanks意思相同,但用法不完全相同。例句:Here"s how they say thank you.——下面就是他们如何说谢谢。Thank you for your kind hospitality.——谢谢你的亲切款待。thank的用法:1、thank的基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。2、thank作“责怪”解时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语, that有时可以省略。

对于"thank you"有哪几种地道的回答?

You are welcome


在正式场合,用“You are welcome”是非常适合的。 另外常用的说法还有: Its my pleasure.能够帮到你是我的荣幸。 扩展资料   还可以回答:   1.Don"t mention it.小意思,不用和我客气。   这句话会显得和对方比较客气,也显得自己非常有余力。   2.No worries.没事儿,小菜一碟。   上面这句比较放松,适合在和朋友之间的交流中使用。如果别人看起来像很怕麻烦你的时候,使用这句就很恰当,可以让人家稍微放松一点。   3.Anytime.随时都可以帮你呀。   这句也显得自己非常友好,表现出自己随时愿意帮忙的态度。

thank you同义词是什么?

be grateful touff0cthanks alotuff0cappreciate

thank you和thanks有什么区别做ppt


thank you下怎么回答

thank you意思是谢谢您。 下一句回答是: youre welcome. 不客气。 扩展资料   It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you.   有人连谢谢都忘记说时我确实感到不愉快。   She did at least write to say thank you.   她至少还写了信道谢。   I don"t need your comments, thank you.   谢谢,我不需要你来评头论足。   I"ll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head.   请你说话讲究礼貌。   Thank you, good question.   谢谢,问题提得好。




动词是 thank




thank you for all the thing you have done for me。这句表达感谢的话,应该还是不错的。


一般回答: 不用谢。 Youre welcome. 不用谢。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 It was my pleasure. 不用谢。 Thanks a lot.Dont mention it. 扩展资料   Thank you.Not at all.   不用谢.   Thank you.You are welcome.   那没什么,不用谢.   That"s all right,you"re welcome.   算不了什么,不用谢   Forget it   不用谢,我不要任何报酬,不用记在心上.   No thanks,I don"t want any payment - skip it.   我知道你很感激,不过那没什么,不用谢.   I know you"re grateful,but that"s all right,any time.



thank you有哪些回答方式?

Thank you有可以答语:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3、That"s all right. 不用谢。4、No problem. No worries. “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。thank you的意思是:谢谢你。thank you=thanks。是英语中常用的礼貌用语。thankyou英 [θk"j] 美 [θkju] 感激(的),致谢(的)。thank you和thanks意思相同,但用法不完全相同。例句:Here"s how they say thank you.——下面就是他们如何说谢谢。Thank you for your kind hospitality.——谢谢你的亲切款待。扩展资料thank的用法:1、thank的基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。2、thank作“责怪”解时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语, that有时可以省略。3、thank也可作“责怪”解,表示一种请求,现常作反语,含有埋怨、不耐烦的口气。4、thank是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“to be adj. ”结构或动词不定式充当。


回答: 1、You"re welcome.你客气了。(乐意效劳) 2、No problem. No worries.“不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。 3、Not at all.别客气。 4、It"s/that"s all right.这没什么。 扩展资料   例句:   I"m better now, thank you.   我现在好些了,谢谢您。   I can"t begin to thank you enough.   我说不尽对你的感激。   "No, thank you," she said frostily.   “不,谢谢你。”她冷冰冰地说。


我很好谢谢你双语对照例句:1.L"m fine, thank you. Y ou? Deb? 我很好,谢谢,你呢,迪比呢?

什么问句回答thank you


thank you 的同义词

I am grateful for youI appreciate your kindnessThat"s kind of youThanks a lotI feel a gratitude to you

口语thankyou 一般怎么回答

回答: 1、You"re welcome. 2、Don"t mention it. 3、No worries. 4、Not a problem. 5、My pleasure. 扩展资料   例句:   The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help.   这份惊喜礼物是感谢我们给予的帮助。   Here"s the thankyou function.   thankyou函数如下所示。   Thankyou for giving me the present.   谢谢你给我的礼物。

Dido的《Thankyou》 歌词

歌曲名:Thankyou歌手:Dido专辑:No Angelthank uby didomy tea"s gone coldi"m wondering why i got out of bed at allthe morning rain clouds up my windowand i can"t see at alland even if i could it"d all be greybut ur pic on my wallit reminds methat it"s not so bad,it"s not so baddrank too much last night,got bills to paymy head just feels in paini missed the bus and there "ll be hell todayi"m late for work againand even if i"m there. they"ll all implythat i might not last the dayand then u call meit"s not so bad ,it"s not so badand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifepush the door,i"m home at lastand i"m soaking through and throughthen u handed me a towel and all i see is uand even if my house falls down nowi wouldn"t have a clue because u"re near meand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifeand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1350977

英语问题——请教Thankyou与Thank you的区别?

Thank 和you 两个词 不能连用,可以用thanks 代替


Thank you有可以答语:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3、That"s all right. 不用谢。4、No problem. No worries. “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。thank you的意思是:谢谢你。thank you=thanks。是英语中常用的礼貌用语。thankyou英 [θk"j] 美 [θkju] 感激(的),致谢(的)。thank you和thanks意思相同,但用法不完全相同。例句:Here"s how they say thank you.——下面就是他们如何说谢谢。Thank you for your kind hospitality.——谢谢你的亲切款待。thank的用法:1、thank的基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。2、thank作“责怪”解时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语, that有时可以省略。

thank you怎么回答

Thank you有可以答语:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3、That"s all right. 不用谢。4、No problem. No worries. “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”。thank you的意思是:谢谢你。thank you=thanks。是英语中常用的礼貌用语。thankyou英 [θk"j] 美 [θkju] 感激(的),致谢(的)。thank you和thanks意思相同,但用法不完全相同。例句:Here"s how they say thank you.——下面就是他们如何说谢谢。Thank you for your kind hospitality.——谢谢你的亲切款待。扩展资料thank的用法:1、thank的基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。2、thank作“责怪”解时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语, that有时可以省略。3、thank也可作“责怪”解,表示一种请求,现常作反语,含有埋怨、不耐烦的口气。4、thank是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“to be adj. ”结构或动词不定式充当。






外国人说thank you的时候可以这样回复: 1、You"re welcome. 2、Don"t mention it. 3、No worries. 4、Not a problem. 5、My pleasure. 扩展资料   “谢谢”除了说“thank 有”,还可以有以下几种表达方式   一般的说法:   1、Thanks. 谢谢。   2、I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。   比较热情的说法:   1、You"re one in a million. 你真是大好人。   2、You"re the greatest. 你最棒了。   要归功于对方的时候:   1、Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。   2、I couldn"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。   比较正式的.说法:   1、I"m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。   2、Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的帮助备受感激。   3、I"d like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的谢忱。





关于"Thank you" 的用法

Thank you 作为礼貌用语,用途很广泛,可以说讲英语要作到Thank you 不离口

thank you同义词是什么?

ThanksThank you very muchthanks a millionthanks a lotMany thanks


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