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奥美科和damon是不一样的,但两者之间是有一定联系的。Damon是奥美科旗下品牌。Damon是美国公司ORMCO CORPORATION旗下品牌 。Damon自锁矫治系统是进口自锁的鼻祖,距今有14年的发展历史,在固定矫治领域占据领先地位。全球使用Damon自锁矫治系统的患者已超六百万人 。Damon自锁矫治系统有着来自世界上专注于正畸领域的生产商Ormco奥美科公司的专业经验和先进技术的支持,使得固定矫治更省心更放心。






伊恩·萨默海尔德(Ian Joseph Somerhalder)












Ian Somerhalder


《吸血鬼日记》 中的三个男主角之一


1:Damon Salvatore 《吸血鬼日记》人物之一。达蒙·萨尔瓦托 吸血鬼两兄弟中代表邪恶化身的哥哥达蒙-塞尔瓦托。:2:Damon: 达蒙 希腊语 顺人听话的;自锁托槽;达蒙希腊语顺人听话的;守护程式达蒙 希腊语 顺人听话的自锁托槽


damon 英[ˈdeɪmən] 美[ˈdemən] [词典] 守护程序; [例句]"No, no, no," says Damon, taking up where Dave left off.“不,不,不,”戴蒙说,然后从戴夫停下的地方接着说。







请问这句是不是拉丁语?求告知是什么意思?Hanc veniam damus petimusque vicissim。谢谢

hanc veniam damus petimusque vicissim we give this privilege and receive it in turn




爆火的社交新平台damus是推特杀手。Damus是一款建立在去中心化网络Nostr上的社交软件,被称为“推特杀手”,自称是“可以让用户自己掌控的社交网络”。Nostr不是基于服务器来运行的,而是利用去中心化的中继器来分发消息,比如获取好友的更新,就需要去询问多个中继站,中继站的作用就是接受消息并转发给其他人。此外,Nostr开发者还在使用比特币和闪电网络,以防止针对Damus的垃圾邮件攻击。Nostr的核心开发者之一William Casarin在他的Twitter账号上也曾分享,上架手机应用平台是一件艰难的事情,如果苹果用户不能原生使用Nostr将成为耻辱。社交平台推广注意事项1、不要发布违法广告,不要发布虚假信息,不要发布不健康的内容。如果发现自己的账号被封禁,要及时申诉,争取恢复正常使用。如如果账号被封禁超过24小时,就会永久封禁。2、不要随意注册陌生人的账号,不要轻易相信陌生人的话。如果遇到诈骗,要第一时间报警。3、不要轻易使用支付宝、财付通等第三方支付平台进行转账操作,防止被骗。4、不要轻易将自己的银行卡密码告诉他人,以免泄露个人信息。

Inde genus durum sumusuff0cexperiensque laborumuff0c Et doeumenta damus qua simus origine natiu3002


帮忙翻译一下“ Inde genus durum sumus,experiensque laborum,Et doeumenta damus qua simus origine n

这个不是法语,是拉丁语。还有应该是documenta。源自罗马作家奥维德的《变形记》,在梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》里也出现过我找到了网上的翻译:From thence our kind hard-hearted is, enduring pain and care, Appoving that our bodies of a stony nature are. 译文:从此人心坚硬,任劳任怨,证明我们的身体本是岩石据希腊神话,洪水以后,世上只剩杜卡利盎和彼尔他们两个人,于是神示意他们把母亲的骨骼从头顶扔到背后去。他们认为大地是万物之母,石头是母亲的骨骼,就照办了。每一块石头扔到背后都变成了人。



Damus-Stansel-Kaye procedure是什么意思


Damus-Stansel-Kaye procedure是什么意思

Damus-Stansel-Kaye procedure治疗大动脉转位的手术 拼音 双语对照 Damus-Stansel-Kaye procedure词典[医]治疗大动脉转位的手术


Damus是一款基于去中心化网络Nostr的社交软件。作为一款社交APP,Damus的界面和功能与Twitter类似,但相对简单。2023年2月1日,Twitter前联合创始人杰克·多西在推特上表示,基于去中心化社交媒体协议Nostr的社交产品Damus已经在苹果应用商店推出,任何人都可以下载。短短两天,该应用就升至美国iOS应用商店社交免费榜榜首,并吸引了超过60万用户注册。2月,一款名为“Damus”的全新社交软件,上线仅一天就冲到了App Store社交媒体下载榜前十。在官网上,Damus将自己定位为你控制的社交网络——用户可以控制自己的账户、数据和所有潜在的价值,呼应了Web3所强调的“精神内核”。






爆火的社交新平台damus是推特杀手。Damus是一款建立在去中心化网络Nostr上的社交软件,被称为“推特杀手”,自称是“可以让用户自己掌控的社交网络”。Nostr不是基于服务器来运行的,而是利用去中心化的中继器来分发消息,比如获取好友的更新,就需要去询问多个中继站,中继站的作用就是接受消息并转发给其他人。此外,Nostr开发者还在使用比特币和闪电网络,以防止针对Damus的垃圾邮件攻击。Nostr的核心开发者之一William Casarin在他的Twitter账号上也曾分享,上架手机应用平台是一件艰难的事情,如果苹果用户不能原生使用Nostr将成为耻辱。社交平台推广注意事项1、不要发布违法广告,不要发布虚假信息,不要发布不健康的内容。如果发现自己的账号被封禁,要及时申诉,争取恢复正常使用。如如果账号被封禁超过24小时,就会永久封禁。2、不要随意注册陌生人的账号,不要轻易相信陌生人的话。如果遇到诈骗,要第一时间报警。3、不要轻易使用支付宝、财付通等第三方支付平台进行转账操作,防止被骗。4、不要轻易将自己的银行卡密码告诉他人,以免泄露个人信息。


Damus是一款建立在去中心化网络Nostr上的社交软件。Damus作为一个社交APP,它的界面和功能和Twitter较为相似,但相对简洁。2023年2月1日,Twitter前联合创始人Jack Dorsey发推称,基于去中心化社交媒体协议Nostr的社交产品Damus已上线苹果App Store,任何人都可以下载。在短短两天时间内,该APP就上升为美区iOS APP Store社交免费榜第一,并吸引超60万名用户注册。2月,一款名为“Damus”的全新社交软件仅推出一天就冲上了App Store社交媒体类下载排行榜的前十。在官网上,Damus对自己的定位是The social network you control(由你掌控的社交网络)——用户可以自己掌控账户、数据以及一切潜在的价值,呼应了Web3所强调的“精神内核”。上架之后,随着 Damus 在中文社区中的爆火,中国用户的大量涌入,也让Damus几乎复刻了当时 Clubhouse 一样的名场面:充斥着中文与中国用户,还有不少用户抱怨Damus全是中文广告。

damwon gaming啥意思

damwon游戏。DAMWON Gaming是一个韩国电子竞技俱乐部,前身为MiraGeGaming,其下设《英雄联盟》《绝地求生》分部。DAMWON Gaming曾获得2020LCK夏季赛冠军、《英雄联盟》2019洲际对抗赛冠军、2018CKR夏季赛冠军。2020年10月31日,在2020英雄联盟S10全球总决赛中,DWG以3-1战胜SN,获得S10冠军,这也是DWG拿到的第一个S赛全球总冠军。扩展资料The Game Awards主持人兼创始人Geoff Keighley公布了TGA2020各大游戏奖项的候选名单。颁奖礼将于北京时间12月11日进行直播,国内玩家可直接参与TGA官网和哔哩哔哩网站的投票活动,为自己喜欢的游戏助威。“年度游戏”提名的游戏有《最后的生还者:第二章》、《对马岛之魂》、《哈迪斯》、《最终幻想7:重制版》、《集合啦!动物森友会》和《毁灭战士:永恒》。令玩家感到意外的是,《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》、《刺客信条:英灵殿》与《半衰期:爱利克斯》并没有成功参加到年度游戏的角逐当中。

damwon gaming啥意思

damwon gaming指的是DWG电子竞技俱乐部。DWG电子竞技俱乐部,全称是Damwon Gaming电子竞技俱乐部,别名为DWG或DWG战队,成立于2017年5月,是韩国的电子竞技俱乐部俱乐部之一,旗下设有《英雄联盟》《绝地求生》分部。曾获得过2020LCK夏季赛冠军、2020英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军等荣誉。DWG电子竞技俱乐部的前身为MiraGe Gaming,2017年5月,MiraGe Gaming和GRF、BtC一起,获得了2017CKR夏季赛名额。随后,MiraGe Gaming更名为DAMWON Gaming,开始次级联赛之旅。2020年11月27日,《英雄联盟》DWG俱乐部宣布Khan与Chasy加入。扩展资料DWG电子竞技俱乐部的成员列举:1、Ryu Ho-seong (ub958ud638uc131):比赛ID——Hoit;位置——辅助;常用英雄——塔姆、洛、布隆。2、Sin Jeong-hyeon (uc2e0uc815ud604):比赛ID——Nuclear;位置——ADC;常用英雄——希维尔、EZ、卡萨。3、Lee Ho-jong (uc774ud638uc885):比赛ID——Flame;位置——上单;常用英雄——鳄鱼、兰博、树人。4、Jang Ha-gwon (uc7a5ud558uad8c):比赛ID——Nuguri;位置——上单;常用英雄——吸血鬼、露露、鳄鱼、青钢影、杰斯。参考资料来源:百度百科-DWG电子竞技俱乐部

john Adams总统介绍

汉语看上面的两位吧啊!This article is about the politician and American president. For other uses, see John Adams (disambiguation).John Adams 2nd President of the United States In officeMarch 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801 Vice President Thomas Jefferson Preceded by George Washington Succeeded by Thomas Jefferson 1st Vice President of the United States In officeApril 21, 1789 – March 4, 1797 President George Washington Preceded by None Succeeded by Thomas Jefferson United States Ambassador to Great Britain In office1785 – 1788 Appointed by Congress of the Confederation Preceded by New office Succeeded by Thomas Pinckney United States Ambassador to the Netherlands In office1782 – 1788 Appointed by Congress of the Confederation Preceded by New office Succeeded by Charles W. F. Dumas Delegate from Massachusetts to the Second Continental Congress In officeMay 10, 1775 – 1778 Delegate from Province of Massachusetts Bay to the First Continental Congress In officeSeptember 5, 1774 – October 26, 1774 Born December 30, 1735(1735-12-30)Quincy, Massachusetts, British America Died July 4, 1826 (aged 90)Quincy, Massachusetts, USA Resting place United First Parish Church, Quincy, Massachusetts42°15′04〃N 71°00′13〃Wufeff / ufeff42.25111, -71.00361 Political party Federalist Spouse Abigail Smith Adams Children Abigail ("Nabby"), John Quincy, Susanna, Charles, Thomas and Elizabeth (stillborn) Alma mater Harvard College Occupation Lawyer Religion Unitarian Signature John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American politician. He was elected second President of the United States (1797–1801) after serving as America"s first Vice President (1789–1797) for two terms. He is regarded as one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States.Adams came to prominence in the early stages of the American Revolution. As a delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress, he played a leading role in persuading Congress to adopt the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776. As a representative of Congress in Europe, he was a major negotiator of the eventual peace treaty with Great Britain, and chiefly responsible for obtaining important loans from Amsterdam.Adams"s revolutionary credentials secured him two terms as George Washington"s vice president and his own election as the second president. During his one term as president, he was frustrated by battles inside his own Federalist party against a faction led by Alexander Hamilton, and he signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts. The major accomplishment of his presidency was his peaceful resolution of the Quasi-War crisis with France in 1798.After Adams was defeated for reelection by Thomas Jefferson, he retired to Massachusetts. He and his wife Abigail Adams founded an accomplished family line of politicians, diplomats, and historians now referred to as the Adams political family. His achievements have received greater recognition in modern times, though his contributions were not initially as celebrated as other Founders".

Carmin Turco的《God Damn》 歌词

歌曲名:God Damn歌手:Carmin Turco专辑:AngelGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15064220

hellyeah的《Goddamn》 歌词

歌曲名:Goddamn歌手:hellyeah专辑:HellyeahGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9108975

GODLEE的《God-Dam》 歌词

歌曲名:God-Dam歌手:GODLEE专辑:God-damGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15094979




Walden roared: "you damned villain! " 沃尔登咆哮道:“你这个恶棍!” This damned glass will have to be replaced . 这块混账玻璃一定得换掉。 Why doesn"t he show his hand, damn his soul ? 妈的,他干吗不露一手呢? He seemed to query every damn ma . 他简直对每一个逗点都不轻易放过。 Maybe they think we"re damned fools . 可能他们以为我们是些该死的傻瓜。 She said some pretty damning things about him . 她说了他一些坏话。 Who cares if he is a damn bankrupt ? 谁在乎他是个倒霉的破产者啊? He gives the impression of not caring a damn . 他给人的印象是满不在乎。 I can"t leave them for a damned baby . 我不能为他妈的一个孩子丢开他们。 Damn it, gros *** art, stop whining . 见鬼,格罗斯巴特,别再唠叨了。 We got out of there pretty damn fast . 我们很快就离开了那个地方。 Well i will be damned : she won after all ! 好家伙,她居然胜了! I made the damn doctors tell me。 我让那些讨厌的医生告诉了我。 Damn it, bobby, b your hair . 真该死,博比,把头发拢一拢。 "kill that damn thing!" my father exploded . “把那玩意宰了!”爸爸发火了。 Oh, damn the dirty swine to hell . 让那卑鄙的畜生见鬼去吧。 After all, it is a damn sticky proceeding . 归根结蒂,这样做法也真他妈的够呛。 The damned bridge was struck again . 那该死的桥又阻塞了。 Otherwise he should simply have damned himself . 否则他只有使自己蒙受不白之冤。 They damned one condition after another . 他们得寸进尺。 I am damned if i am going to let her get away with that ! 我决不能就这样放过她。 I"m going to bust in on that damned harbor master . 我要去找那该死的港务长算账。 The play was bad and the newspapers all damned it . 戏演得不好,报纸都加以指责。 "it all looks damned fishy to me," he said . “在我看来,这件事非常可疑,”他说。 He"d be damned if he"d stand around arguing with such a man . 傻瓜才跟这种人闲磨牙。 The woman was damned attractive . 这个女人太诱人啦。 I "ll be damned if it is so . 我决不会有这样的事。 I"ll retype the damned thing and mail it . 等我用打字机把那个鬼东西清楚地打出来再寄走。 He could not give a damn whether he passes the exam or not . 他对考试及格与否满不在乎。 Week in and week out, we had to write that damn paper . 几个星期我们都要写那该死的文章。 I earned damn all last week . 我上星期分文没挣。 "i pke him," i said. "i am damned fond of him. " “我喜欢他,”我说,“我特别喜欢他。” I "ll be damned if it is so . 我决不做这种事。 But he has to buck that damned foreign office . 但是他也非得撞顶撞顶那个该死的外交部不可。 I know that damn woman . 我知道那个 *** 女人。 I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up . 我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。 I"m spending an hour a day on these damned books . 在这些该死的帐本上,我一天要花一个钟头。 It makes me damned angry . 这搞得我一腔恼火。 I ran the damn show . 我指挥这种玩命的事儿。 As long as you do that, i don"t give a damn how . 只要你一直能这样,我才不理会你怎样去做呢。 I am damned if i do . 我决不会有这样的事。 About davey birdsong, though, yvette didn"t give a damn . 至于戴维伯德桑,伊维特才不在乎呢。 I do n"t care a damn . 我一点儿也不在乎。 You have got to hand it to her -- she has damned clever . 你不能不佩服她她简直聪明到了极点。 There"s not a damn thing special about any of us . 我们谁也没有一丁点儿人品出众、才能超群的地方。 I hate that damned rubber. i loathe the filthy natives . 我恨这晦气的橡胶。我厌恶这些肮脏的土人。 I am damned if i do . 我决不做这种事。 A bar mitzvah"s always followed by a damn good party . 成人礼庆祝仪式之后,总要举行个热热闹闹的聚会。 This damned epidemic ! 该死的瘟疫! Damned if i know ! 我根本就不知道。

edward adam davis哪个是姓

Davis 是姓 尊称是Mr+姓 Edward 是名字,外国人一般喜欢这么叫 但是这里的介绍时年轻人,所以一般叫名字,所以是B. Edward 希望对你有帮助哦~

关于 鲁鲁修Damocles 和Freyja 的问题


表达心中很不满很气愤的骂人的英语形容词有哪些?除了fucking,damn, shit, bitc


dAMP、dGMP、dCMP dTMP.....什么意思还有。。。。dGTP dATP dTTP dCTP。。?

AMP为腺苷酸,A为腺苷,M是一个的意思,P是磷酸,所以dAMP为腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸,就是说脱氧核苷酸在前面加小写d。GMP是鸟苷酸,ATP为三磷酸腺苷,GTP为鸟苷三磷酸。前面加d则为脱氧核苷,如dATP为脱氧腺苷三磷酸,还有ATP中A为腺苷指的是有腺嘌呤和核糖组成,dATP 中的A为脱氧腺苷指的是有腺嘌呤和脱氧核糖组成。核苷酸,一类由嘌呤碱或嘧啶碱、核糖或脱氧核糖以及磷酸三种物质组成的化合物,又称核甙酸。扩展资料:核苷酸的连接方式磷酸——五碳糖——含氮碱基。核苷酸类化合物具有重要的生物学功能,它们参与了生物体内几乎所有的生物化学反应过程。尽管核糖环上的所有游离羟基(核糖的C-2、C-3、C-5及脱氧核糖的C-3、C-5)均能与磷酸发生酯化反应,但生物体内多数核苷酸都是5-核苷酸,即磷酸基团位于核糖的第五位碳原子上(C-5)。参考资料来源:百度百科-核苷酸



dAMP、dGMP、dCMP dTMP.....什么意思还有。。。。dGTP dATP dTTP dCTP。。?

AMP为腺苷酸,A为腺苷,M是一个的意思,P是磷酸。dAMP为腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸,就是说脱氧核苷酸在前面加小写d。GMP是鸟苷酸,以此类推。ATP为三磷酸腺苷,或者称为腺苷三磷酸,则GTP为鸟苷三磷酸,以此类推。前面加d则为脱氧核苷,如dATP为脱氧腺苷三磷酸,以此类推。还有ATP中A为腺苷指的是有腺嘌呤和核糖组成,dATP 中的A为脱氧腺苷指的是有腺嘌呤和脱氧核糖组成。

You are a mother fucker. Damn you to raid my city.求教什么意思?



Foreign-Object-Debris-Damage外来物的损毁 例句筛选Foreign Object Debris is material that may damage aircraft, such asfragment, big object and so on.外来物是可能损伤航空器或系统的某种外来的物质、碎屑或物体。

堰塞湖Landsli DamdeLakes

堰塞湖是指河流因山体滑塌而被堵塞进而造成上游河流上涨并形成湖泊的现象。本次汶川地震形成的堰塞湖多达30余处,这些堰塞湖由于坝体物质多为随机堆积、压实度低,存在溃决隐患,对下游人民财产安全构成威胁。著名的唐家山堰塞湖就是其中—例。北川县城上游湔江中唐家山堰塞湖位置(网络航片)Location of Tangjiashan landslide dam lake in Qianjiang river above Beichuan Town(aerial photograph from web)唐家山堰塞湖泄洪中Discharging of the lake water at destroyed Tangjiashan landslide damLandslide dam lake is the phenomenon that a river is suddenly blocked bv a natu-ral dam made of mountain landslide debris.which result in the rise of river water above the dam and then the river lake.The Wenchuan Earthquake formed more than30 landslide dam lakes.These lake dams were made of random deposits of loose land-slide debris and had lower and unknown degrees of compaction.Therefore,they had high possibilities to suddenly collapse.A sudden collapse of a landslide dam could result in a sudden release of the large amount of the lake water to lower reaches of the river,A tsunami would happened below the dam.Therefore the natural dams were of great potential to harm the life and property of people in their lower reaches.The Tangjiashan landslide dam lake was one typical example.唐家山堰塞坝和滑坡后壁(李晓摄)Tangjiashan landslide dam and the landslide back scarp唐家山堰塞坝全景(网络照片)Overall view of Tangjiashan landslide dam(from web)唐家山滑坡体中后部褶皱(李守定摄)Bended rock beddings in middle and back parts of Tangiiashan landslide(debris)dam唐家山滑坡体软硬相间互层岩体(李守定摄)Thin soft seams in stiff rock beddings in Tangjiashan landslide(debris)dam唐家山滑坡体擦痕(李晓摄)Slickenside surface in rock debris block forming Tangjiashan landslide dam唐家山滑坡体共轭节理(李晓摄)X-shaped joints in rock debris block forming Tangjiashan landslide dam安县肖家桥堰塞湖溢流口Discharging mouth of Xiaojiaqiao landslide dam in Anxian肖家桥滑坡堰塞坝溢洪道里水体由清变混Clean lake water flowing in spillway of Xiaojiaqiao landslide dam and becoming muddy肖家桥滑坡堰塞坝溢洪道在拓宽Widening spillway of Xiaojiaqiao landslide dam安县肖家桥大滑坡的后壁及破碎的块石堆积体Back scarp of Xiaojiaqiao landslide in Anxian and accumulation of fractured rocks5.12汶川地震地质灾害肖家桥滑坡后壁和侧壁滑坡体粉碎性破坏,堵塞河道形成堰塞湖Back scarp and side fractured rock wall of Xiaojiaqiao landslide Completely crashed landslide rock debris and blocked the river and formed a river lake密集节理的原岩体Intensive joints in the original rocks滑坡岩体碎裂后的碎石堆积体(李守定摄)Piling of the completely crashed landslide rock debris肖家桥堰塞坝开挖出的溢洪道Widening of spillway at Xiaojiaqiao landslide dam茶坪河对岸肖家桥滑坡远端抛散堆积Remained Xiaojiaqiao landslide dam debris after forming the spillway on the opposite bank hillside of Chapinghe river安县肖家桥滑坡侧缘中层灰岩Medium thick limestone on hillside slope"s side of Xiaojiaqiao landslide in Anxian滑坡远端对岸反向的薄层灰岩Reverse inclined thin bedding limestone forming river bank hillside opposite to Xiaojiaqiao landslide位于都贯河上的北川县陈家坝堰塞湖Chenjiaba landslide dam lake on Duguan river in Beichuan在堰塞坝上开挖的溢洪道Excavation of spillway channel in Chenjiaba landslide dam东河口堰塞坝Donghekou landslide dam已开挖过的青川县东河口堰塞坝Excavated Donghekou landslide dam in Qingchuan青川县红光乡东河口滑坡抛到对岸的碎石土Deposition of soil and rock debris flew from Donghekou landslide on the opposite hillside滑坡体上巨大的灰岩块体A large limestone block in the landslide debris石板沟堰塞坝Shibangou landslide dam and spillway channel青川县红光乡石板沟滑坡及堰塞湖Shibangou landslide and its dam lake near Hongguang town in Qingchuan county5.12汶川地震地质灾害从东河上看红石河堰塞坝Hongshihe landslide dam looked on Donghe river红石河堰塞坝Hongshihe landslide dam and spillway channel青川东河口红石河堰塞坝上开挖出的泄洪遭Spillway channel excavated in Hongshihe landslide dam at Donghekou in Qingchuan county青川县红石河堰塞湖Hongshihe landslide dam lake in Qingchuan county红白镇木瓜坪的小型堰塞湖(赫建明摄)Small scale landslide dam lake at Muguaping near Hongbai town墩秀公路上的一处堰塞湖,湖水下泻后原来淹没的公路上有许多崩塌砸坏的车辆。Landslide dam lake on Dunxiu highway.The sudden flowng down of the lake water submerged many destroyed cars on the road.墩秀公路的崩塌和堰塞湖Rock collapses and landslide dam lake on Dunxiu highway从临时开通的公路上向上游看Upstream of the landslide dam lake from temporarily re-opened road从临时开通的公路上向下游看Downstream of the landslide dam lake from temporarily re-opened road

高达 的 字母 GANDAM 什么意思?

敢达的罗马拼音? 好像

bloody hell damn是什么意思?

三个词是单独使用的,都是在口语中用来加强语气的。属于粗话。eg. 1。 He"s a bloody coward.他是个该死的胆小鬼。bloody属于英式英语,现代也不常用了。eg. 2. What the hell are you doing? 你到底在干什么?eg 3. He"s a damn liar. 他是个该死的骗子。


damage vt.& vi. 损害,毁坏; n. 损害,损毁; 赔偿金; 作名词时,可以有复数形式damages。没有damege这个单词。


  记住:damages不是damage的复数形式,damages有其他的含义。   Damage means “loss or injury to a person or property”. It is an uncountable singular noun and has no plural form.   damage的意思是“对某人或某物的伤害或损失”,是不可数单数名词,没有复数形式。   E.g.: The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion.   例句:艾克飓风给美国造成了约180亿美元的损失。   Other words you could use instead of damage: loss, injury   damage的同义词有:loss,injury。   Damages means “money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury”. It is an uncountable plural noun and has no singular form.   damages的意思是“对某人受到的损失或伤害进行的赔偿”,是不可数复数名词,没有单数形式。   E.g.: The Claimant wishes to sue Acme for damages as a result of a loss sustained by the Claimant after Acme"s failure to perform its obligations.   例句:在Acme未履行义务之后,索偿人希望起诉Acme,要求其赔偿由此造成的损失。   Other words you could use instead of damages: compensation, satisfaction   damages的同义词有:compensation,satisfaction。   但是,这里有一个例外。英语国家的律师有时会使用damage的复数形式来表示多项损失或伤害,这是damage一词作为不可数单数名词的唯一例外,仅限用于法律英语中。


  记住:damages不是damage的复数形式,damages有其他的含义.   Damage means “loss or injury to a person or property”.It is an uncountable singular noun and has no plural form.   damage的意思是“对某人或某物的伤害或损失”,是不可数单数名词,没有复数形式.   E.g.:The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion.   例句:艾克飓风给美国造成了约180亿美元的损失.   Other words you could use instead of damage:loss,injury   damage的同义词有:loss,injury.   Damages means “money claimed by,or ordered to be paid to,a person as compensation for loss or injury”.It is an uncountable plural noun and has no singular form.   damages的意思是“对某人受到的损失或伤害进行的赔偿”,是不可数复数名词,没有单数形式.   E.g.:The Claimant wishes to sue Acme for damages as a result of a loss sustained by the Claimant after Acme"s failure to perform its obligations.   例句:在Acme未履行义务之后,索偿人希望起诉Acme,要求其赔偿由此造成的损失.   Other words you could use instead of damages:compensation,satisfaction   damages的同义词有:compensation,satisfaction.   但是,这里有一个例外.英语国家的律师有时会使用damage的复数形式来表示多项损失或伤害,这是damage一词作为不可数单数名词的唯一例外,仅限用于法律英语中.


dehp用dams溶解时怎么溶解DEHP是Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate的缩写,为人工合成的化学物质,添加在塑胶中增加弹性。DEHP为无色、无味的液体,易溶於汽油和油漆去除剂中。一般的塑胶物品中通常可发现少量的DEHP存在,它可以当作制造某些物品的原料,如油漆、橡胶管、血袋、化妆品、包装食物的材料及小孩的玩具。进入环境中的DEHP产生那些变化?DEHP会在塑胶制造添加时释放至空气中,或燃烧塑胶过程中释放。当DEHP释放到土壤时,它会附著在土壤上,并不会散落到很远的地方,当DEHP随著水排放出来时,它会慢慢地溶於地下水或地表水中,这种过程会一直持续很多年直到DEHP慢慢从环境中消失。当氧气存在时,在水和土壤中的DEHP会被微生物分解成二氧化碳及结构较为简单的化合物。在含氧量极低的地方譬如土壤深部、湖泊或河川底部,DEHP不容易分解掉。DEHP的主要来源为何?人体接触到DEHP通常介由饮食、水及空气接触或呼吸,但仍以食入为主。DEHP在加工过程中或是包材应用於储存食物时,溶出残留在食物中。国内由於饮食习惯与国外不同,且加工包装技术亦不同於国外,均会造成DEHP的暴露含量比较高。其它的塑胶医疗制品也会释出,用来给予液体或药物所使用的管子也会将DEHP传给病人。洗肾使用的塑胶管经常含有DEHP,也会将DEHP带进病人的血液中。DEHP也会经由呼吸器的塑胶管进入肺部。都市发现饮水中含有0.04-30 ppb的DEHP,平均一天中会经水摄取到0.02 mg DEHP。如果饮用的是靠近垃圾掩埋场或废弃物处理场附近的饮用水,可能会接触到比平均值还高的DEHP。 在刚漆完油漆的房间或是最近才装好地板的屋子,室内空气比室外空气含有更多的DEHP。



ampify damage 什么意思

ampify damage健全的损害-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



求Damien Rice的delicate翻译

Damien Rice大米反delicate佳肴

Damien Rice的《Delicate》 歌词

歌曲名:Delicate歌手:Damien Rice专辑:ODelicatedamien riceWe might make out when nobody"s thereIt"s not that we"re scaredIt"s just that it"s delicateSo why do you fill my sorrowWith the words you"ve borrowedFrom the only place you"ve knowAnd why do you sing HallelujahIf it means nothing to yaWhy do you sing with me at all?We might live like never beforeWhen there"s nothing to giveWell how can we ask for moreWe might make love in some sacred placeThe look on your face is delicateSo why do you fill my sorrowWith the words you"ve borrowedFrom the only place you"ve knowAnd why do you sing HallelujahIf it means nothing to yaWhy do you sing with me at all?So why do you fill my sorrowWith the words you"ve borrowedFrom the only place you"ve knowAnd why do you sing HallelujahIf it means nothing to yaWhy do you sing with me at all?http://music.baidu.com/song/7928846

taylor swift 的enchanted中怎么找出“adam”啊?


为什么Taylor Swift 的Enchanted是给Adam的啊


Valley Of The Damned 歌词

歌曲名:Valley Of The Damned歌手:Dragonforce专辑:Twilight DementiaValley of the Damned (DEMO)dragon forceby zouleiOn a cold dark winter nighthidden by the stormy lightA battle rages for the rightfor what will becomeIn the valley of the damneda warrior with sword in handTravels fast across the landfor freedom he ridesAnd the sign from the master on highHe screams aloud and across hear the cryFor the kingdom of fire and iceAnd the power to be aliveBe strong ride on, carry on through the warCome along carry on, living for ever moreOn the wings of death, by the hands of doomBy the darkest light, from the darkest moonCrossing silent seas, over mountains highFor we stand as one tonightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightIn the valley of the damnedDays breaks with golden strandOver pastures green it glowsTo where night returnsIn the shadows faces appearWarriors wearing full metal gearJoin together one and all before the glorious lightRise up, gather round, come and hear what is saidUse your senses open your mind don"t you ever forgetOn the wings of life, by the hands of hopeBy the brightest light from the brightest sunCrossing silent seas over mountains highTo the valley of the damned!On the black wind forever we ride on together...Destroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/10320964

国际金融里面的Economic fundamentals是什么意思



距离席卷地球圈的第二次 NEO ZEON纷争已经过去3年之久,然而战乱的威胁依然没有远去。在与夺取“拉普拉斯之盒”NEO ZEON残党交战中,NAHAL AGAMA遭受NZ-666 KSHATRIYA的攻击损失了大量舰载机,在AE(ANAHEIM/阿纳海姆)配备补充机体中,出现了从未见过金色可变形机体身影,它就是 AE新研制的可变量产型DELTA PLUS。探究隐藏在这台机体背后的轨迹时,惊异地出现了δ(DELTA)GUNDAM(以下简称DELTA)这个名词,而在对Z计划整体相关资料的搜索中很快得出了结论,面对这仿佛显示器屏幕都因为图片一样闪耀出金色的画象前。百式,显露出他本应具有的真正英姿。

The Bells of Notre Dame (Remix 1999) 歌词

歌曲名:The Bells of Notre Dame (Remix 1999)歌手:Eloy专辑:Power And The Passion (Remastered Album)Morning in Paris The city awakesTo the bells of Notre DameThe fisherman fishes The baker man bakesTo the bells of Notre DameTo the big bells as loud as the thunderTo the little bells soft as a psalmAnd some say the soul of the city"s the tollOf the bellsThe bells of Notre DameListen. They"re beautiful, no?So many colors of sound, so many changing moods.Because you know they do not ring all by themselves.They don"t? - No, you silly boy.Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower,lives the mysterious bell ringer.Who is this creature? - Who?What is he? - What?How did he come to be there? - How?Hush. Clopin will tell you. - Ow!It is a tale, a tale of a man...and a monster.Dark was the night when our tale was begunOn the docks near Notre Dame - Shut it up, will you?We"ll be spotted! - Hush, little one.Four frightened Gypsies slid silently underThe docks near Notre DameFour guilders for safe passage into Paris.A trap had been laid for the GypsiesAnd they gazed up in fear and alarmAt a figure whose clutchesWere iron as much as the bells - Judge Claude Frollo!The bellsOf Notre Dame - Kyrie eleisonJudge Claude Frollo longed to purge the world of vice and sinKyrie eleisonAnd he saw corruptionEverywhere except withinBring these Gypsy vermin to the Palace of Justice.You there! What are you hiding?Stolen goods, no doubt. Take them from her.She ran.Dies irae Dies iraeDies illa Dies illaSolvet saeclum in favillaAah!Quando tremor est futurusQuando judex est venturusSanctuary! Please, give us sanctuary!Quando tremor est futurusDies iraeA baby?A monster!Solvet saeclum in favillaDies irae Dies iraeStop! - ...cried the Archdeacon.This is an unholy demon. I"m sending it back to hell, where it belongs.See, there, the innocent blood you have spiltOn the steps of Notre DameI am guiltless. She ran. I pursued.Now you would add this child"s blood to your guiltOn the steps of Notre Dame - My conscience is clear.You can lie to yourself and your minionsYou can claim that you haven"t a qualmBut you never can run fromNor hide what you"ve done from the eyesThe very eyesOf Notre DameKyrie eleisonAnd for one time in his lifeOf power and controlKyrie eleisonFrollo felt a twinge of fear for his immortal soulWhat must I do? - Care for the child and raise it as your own.What? I am to be saddled with this misshapen--Very well. But let him live with you in your church.Live here? Where? - Anywhere.Just so he"s kept locked away where no one else can seeThe bell tower, perhaps.And who knows? Our Lord works in mysterious ways.Even this foul creature may yet prove one day to beOf use to meAnd Frollo gave the child a cruel name,a name that means, "half-formed."Quasimodo.Now here is a riddle to guess if you canSing the bells of Notre DameWho is the monster And who is the manSing the bells, bells bells, bellsBells, bells bells, bellsBells of Notre DameBy YZXstudiohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2725290



Boku wa dameda dewaarimasen na!日语翻译跪求

楼上应该是正解。boku还是经常能听到的,我的谦称(男?)wa 语助dameda不够后面就不知道了。

Most damagingly, anger weakens a person’s ability to think c?

小题1:C 小题2:B 小题3:A 小题4:D ,10,Most damagingly, anger weakens a person"s ability to think clearly and keep control over his behaviour. The angry person loses objectivity in evaluating the emotional significance of the person or situation that arouses his anger. Not everyone experiences anger in the same way; what angers one person may amuse another. The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person based on biological and cultural forces. In contemporary culture, physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful to be tolerated. We no longer regard duels (决斗) as an appropriate expression of anger resulting from one person"s awareness of insulting behaviour on the part of another. Anger can be identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes. Under most conditions EEG (脑电图) measures of electrical activity show balanced activity between the right and left prefrontal (额叶前部) areas. Behaviourally this corresponds to the general even-handed disposition (意向) that most of us possess most of the time. But when we are angry the EEG of the right and left prefrontal areas aren"t balanced and, as a result of this, we"re likely to react. And our behavioural response to anger is different from our response to other emotions, whether positive or negative. Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour: we move closer to people we like. Most negative emotions, in contrast, are associated with avoidance behaviour: we move away from people and things that we dislike or that make us anxious. But anger is an exception to this pattern. The angrier we are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as of ensive anger: the angry person moves closer in order to influence and control the person or situation causing his anger. This approach-and-confront behaviour is acpanied by a leftward prefrontal asymmetry (不对称) of EEG activity. Interestingly, this asymmetry lessens if the angry person can experience empathy (同感) towards the individual who is bringing forth the angry response. In defensive anger, in contrast, the EEG asymmetry is directed to the right and the angry person feels helpless in the face of the anger-inspiring situation. 小题1:The “duels” example in Paragraph 2 proves that the expression of anger ________. A.usually has a biological basis B.varies among people C.is socially and culturally shaped D.influences one"s thinking and evaluation 小题2:What changes can be found in an angry brain? A.Balanced electrical activity can be spotted. B.Unbalanced patterns are found in prefrontal areas. C.Electrical activity corresponds to one"s behaviour. D.Electrical activity agrees with one"s disposition. 小题3:Which of the following is typical of offensive anger? A.Approaching the source of anger. B.Trying to control what is disliked. C.Moving away from what is disliked. D.Feeling helpless in the face of anger. 小题4:What is the key message of the last paragraph? A.How anger differs from other emotions. B.How anger relates to other emotions. C.Behavioural responses to anger. D.Behavioural patterns of anger.

ug8.0 建的模型怎么导入adams进行运动学仿真

UG运动仿真导出到动力学软件ADAMS一、UG NX/Motion(注意:ug7.0以前的版本必须将时间改为2009年以前)1、在UG NX/Motion中建立三维模型机构,进入仿真。首先双击【运动导航器】上的仿真项目motion_1选择【求解器】/ADAMS,2、在【运动导航器】上右击solution_1,选择/【求解】,用ADAMS对该模型重新计算,计算完毕后在【运动导航器】上右击motion_1,选择【导出】/【ADAMS输入】。在。在弹出的对话框中,【几何体格式】选择Parasolid,以motion_1.anl将文件保存起来。3、打开保存的文件夹,可见共有三个文件:motion_1.cmd,motion_1.xmt_txt,motion_1.anl。将motion_1.anl的扩展名.anl改为.adm。二、导入到ADAMS1、运行ADAMS,选中Import a file单选按钮,在 file type中选择adam类型的文件,在file to read中右击browse选择motion_1.adm文件,单击OK,将UG中放真的运动副添加到ADAMS。2、在ADAMS中选择菜单File/Import,在file type 下拉列表中选择Parasolid类型文件,在file to read中右击browse选择motion_1.xmt_txt文件,在Model Name中右击Model/Gusses/motion_1,单击OK,将UG中建立的装配体模型一如到ADAMS.注意:这里的Model Name不能取其他的名字。

吸血鬼日记第六季 bonnie和damon为什么会来到时空监狱


Take back Adam Lambert 中文歌词翻译 求大神~~~~

Adam Lambert Take Back普通歌词Adam Lambert - Take BackAll you ever think is gimme gimmeBut you never give backAll I ever do is overthink and drink until I attackWe know how to talk it into the groundWe know how to wear it outIf we ain"t gong save it, gonna end up in the graveAnd babyHow do we take backWhat"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myHow do we take backCoz no one winsWhen love breaks downWe both dieAnd I would give anythingJust to chase the dark away and start all over againHow do we take back what"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myI fed you a fantasyBut you been drunk on realityAll you want is to be wantedLong as ya get it outta meWe used to be a jungleSticky and wildIt used to be we owned the nightAll the stupid games we"re playingAll the shit we"ve been sayingHow do we take backWhat"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myHow do we take backCoz no one winsWhen love breaks downWe both dieAnd I would give anythingJust to chase the dark awayAnd start all over againHow do we take back what"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myRemember, rememberThe first time we collidedWe lost it, we lost itYeahHow do we take backWhat"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myHow do we take backCoz no one winsWhen love breaks downWe both dieAnd I would give anythingJust to chase the dark awayAnd start all over againHow do we take back what"s been doneWhat"s been said? Oh myOh myHow do we take back 所有你曾经认为是给我给我但你从未归还我总是在深思和饮料,直到我的攻击我们知道如何谈论到地上我们知道如何穿出来如果我们不是龚拯救它,会最终在坟墓里和婴儿我们如何收回吗做过什么说过什么?哦我的我们如何收回吗因为没有人赢得当爱分解我们都死和我愿意付出任何代价只是为了追逐黑暗中去,重新开始我们如何收回已经做了什么说过什么?哦我的我喂你一个幻想但你是醉了现实所有你想得到的是希望只要你把它离开我我们曾经是一片丛林粘性和野生它曾经是我们拥有的夜晚所有的愚蠢的游戏我们玩所有的狗屎我们一直说我们如何收回吗做过什么说过什么?哦我的我们如何收回吗因为没有人赢得当爱分解我们都死和我愿意付出任何代价只是为了追逐黑掉和从头再来我们如何收回已经做了什么说过什么?哦我的记住,记住我们第一次碰撞我们失去了它,我们失去了它是的我们如何收回吗做过什么说过什么?哦我的我们如何收回吗因为没有人赢得当爱分解我们都死和我愿意付出任何代价只是为了追逐黑掉和从头再来我们如何收回已经做了什么说过什么?哦我的哦我的我们如何收回吗

Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage _______.

c、 annually 每年洪水都带来数亿美元的财产损失。

求一首歌名,maroon 5或者有可能是Adam Lambert


Yangbajain Geothermal Field in Damxung County()

The.Yangbajain geothermal field lies 90 km northwest of the Lhasa City at an elevation ranging 4300-4700 m.The Qinghai-Tibet highway passes through the east side of the field.The field occurs in a NE-trending depression basin covering an area of 15 square kilometers,scattered with various kinds of surface manifestations.It is divided into the south and the north areas.The south area is represented by a 180 m-thick Quaternary fissure-type deposit and the basement of the Quater-nary is composed by early Himalayan volcanic clastics and the late Yanshanian-Himalayan granite and diorite.The north area consists of deposits of both the shallow Quaternary fissure type and the deep bedrock fissure type with aver-age thickness exceeding 230 m.The wellhead pressure of the north area reach-es 2.06-4.71 atm,the steam-water hybrid of a single hole amounts to 72-176.4 t/h,and the dryness ranges 2.05%-7.82%.The recoverable total accu-mulated heat is 13.7×1012kcal,and the electricity generation capacity is 29-34 MWe.Since October 1 977,two geothermal power stations have been built in the field with total installed capacity of 25 MWe,ranking first in China and the twelfth in the world.Till June 1992 the stations have generated 0.49×109 kWh of electricity,accounting about half of the total supply by the Lhasa net-work,and was transmitted mainly to the City.It has made great contributions to Lhasa's economic growth and satisfied the demands of the people.Yangba-jain has also built geothermal greenhouses covering 40000 square meters which grow vegetables over 500000 kg every year.The colourful geothermal land-scape in Yangbajain and the unique scenic spots on the plateau have attracted numerous foreign and domestic visitors.Hot springs and near-boiling springs are widespread in the Yangbajain basin,among them there are the huge hot-water lake 7350 square kilometers in area at an average temperature of 45℃,and the famous“sulphur gullies”and“hot gullies”.All these indications were well known by local residents since the ancient times,but comprehensive and systematic investigations and geo-logical surveys on geothermal fields were commenced only after the peaceful liberation of Tibet.During their investigations of the porcelain clay and sulphur deposits in November 1952,Ren Tianpei,Zhu Shangqing and others with the Geological Group of the Tibet Working Party under the CAS suggested the genetic rela-tionship between the deposit and the springs,and reported first the Yangba-jain hot-water lake.In 1960,during their inspection of the Yangbajain china clay deposit,Yu Zunzheng and others with the Lhasa Geological Party determined the rate of discharge and the temperature of some of the hot springs,and made a general survey on the distribution of the hot springs,types of the spring water,the gushing height of water head,etc.,which provided necessary materials for further investigations.In 1972 the No.3 Geological Party of the TBG drilled on the sulphur de-posit and found that the temperature was increasing downward at a high gradi-ent.Later,the Institute of Geomechanics and the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,in cooperation with other institutions,made a reconnaissance for Yangbajain and other four spring groups.The Comprehensive Prospecting Party of the TBG also investigated primarily the Yangbajain deposit.In 1974 Ye Jianzhong and others of the Geophysical Prospecting Group of the party ex-perimented for the first time integrated resistivity and magnetic surveys which revealed the distinctive low resistivity and stable magnetic field in response to the geothermal indications.Tong Wei and others of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Investi-gation Party under the CAS conducted in 1974-1975 comprehensive surface geothermal investigation and evaluation of the Yangbajain geothermal field.They employed the hydrochemical survey and,by use of geochemical tempera-ture scale,first calculated the underground balance temperature of the Yang-bajain geothermal deposit at 200-220℃ and the natural heat output 11×104 kcal/sec.With regard to the formation model of the field they related the heat sources to intracrustal magmas.In 1975,the No.3 Geological Party of the Ti-bet Bureau of Geology started drilling in the field.The first borehole was drilled on lst July.When the operation was going to a depth of 38.89 m,a high-temperature geothermal fluid suddenly blew out and the vapor-water col-umn flew high up to100 m.Thus the great energy of the Yangbajain deposit was proved,and a regular and systematic geological survey of the geothermal field began.In 1 976theTibet Bureau of Geology set up the Geothermal Geological Party for the comprehensive prospecting and evaluation of Yangbajain.The party performed geological and hydrogeological mapping,shallow borehole temperature measurement,sampling and testing in the field and its surround-ings.A total of 42 boreholes were drilled at a footage of 1 1 328 m and the max-imum depth reaching 1726 m.All these drillholes were tested by integrated geophysical logging and geothermal reservoir engineering,and a wealth of data were obtained.In 1984 Wang Daichang and others prepared and submitted the“Report of evaluation on the shallow reservoir of the Yangbajian geothermal field”.The Geophysical Prospecting Party of the TBG conducted electric,mag-netic and high-precision gravity surveys in the field and its surroundings begin-ning from 1976,and outlined the limits of the field according to the contours of minimum apparent resistivity equalling 30 ohm-m.Since 1 983 it has performed high-precision leveling survey and gravity survey every year and conducted regular dynamic monitoring for the develoment of the field.It was the first time that China conducted drilling in high-temperature geothermal field.Wang Zhongying with the Institute of Exploration Technolo-gY under the MGMR carried out a specific research programme on drilling techniques under high temperature and high pressure of the Yangbajain geothermal field,which,as a result,raised the rate of success of drilling in the field.Shen Xianjie of the Geothermal Office with the Institute of Geology of the CAS,in cooperation with the Geothermal Party,conducted a fruitful thematic research on the evaluation of the heat resources in the Yangbajain geothermal field.All the results were submitted promptly to the power indus-try departments of Tibet.In 1977 a 1 MWe geothermal experimental generator was installed successfully in Yangbajian and then eight 3 MWe double flash plants were installed.In Tibet where oil and coal resources are badly insuffi-cient geothermal energy has become a new and the dominant source.And be-cause geothermal power generation is significantly cheaper than thermal pow-er,and is less affected by seasonal variation of precipitation in comparison with hydraulic power,it has become the stable power supply of the Lhasa electric network.Taking the total electricity it generated as of 490 million kW/hour,the field has already saved nearly RMB 100 million yuan for the country.Both economic returns and social benefits were very impressive.The prospecting and exploitation of the Yangbajain geothermal field have set an example for the formulation of geothermal prospecting standards,pro-moted as well the development of geothermal science in China.For its out-standing merits in the geological prospecting workthe Geothermal Party of the TBG was conferred the title“Meritorious Unit”jointly by the MGMR,the Ministry of Personnel,the State Commission of Science and Technology,and the All-China Trade Union.The achievements of the geothermal prospecting in Yangbajain have awarded the first-class Ore-Prospecting Prize by the MGMR and the second-class State Scientific and Technological Progress Prize.Beginning from 1 992 the prospecting and research work in Yangbajain have been proceeding from shallow to deep layers,aiming at finding and devel-oping geothermal fluid under higher temperature and pressure.The installed capacity of geothermal power generator will be further increased to satisfy the growing demand of electricity of the Lhasa City.This work is still in progress.In the initial stage the prospecting of the field was performed under the situation of lacking both experience and regulations and rules,while geother-mal energy was in urgent need.Therefore,shortcomings were inevitable in operation procedures and planning,as well as in the selection of different tools and in methodology and technology.The heat reservoir engineering testing and the evaluation of geothermal resources were restricted due to the lack of ad-vanced equipment and software.In the exploitation of the field,many subjects concerning comprehensive monitoring,environmental pollution controlling,treatment of corrosion encrustation,recharge of tail water,etc.have to be further studied and practised in order to make full use of the geothermal re-sources of Yangbajain with greater economic and social benefits.


destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思。damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的。break是指有形的或无形的东西被“打破,弄碎”。disrupt多指中断,分裂,扰乱的意思。














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